Quartz fiberglass spiral chute beneficiation 1. Introduction: chute beneficiation includes inclined flow beneficiation process. Mineral mortar is fed to a partially inclined chute or inclined surface. Under the driving force of water flow, the mineral particle group is loose and layered, and the lighter minerals in the upper layer quickly flow out of the groove. The heavier minerals in the lower part either stagnate inside the groove or are discharged from the lower part at a low speed. After obtaining the difference, concentrate and tailings are obtained. The fiberglass spiral chute is a machine for mining and beneficiation, especially ideal for sand mining on coasts, riverbanks, sandbanks, and river beds. The equipment has the characteristics of correct structure, simple installation, small land occupation, simple operation, stable beneficiation, clear screening of minerals, large processing capacity, high efficiency, high beneficiation concentration ratio, high recovery probability, and stable operation. There are also advantages such as lightweight, moisture prevention, rust prevention, corrosion resistance, and strong applicability to fluctuations in ore feed volume, concentration, particle size, and grade. 2、 The production principle is also that the slurry is slowly fed to the surface of the spiral groove through the feeding groove installed at the beginning of the rotating groove, and sorting is carried out. The tail end of the rotating groove is equipped with a valve block type product cutting groove, which divides the selected equipment into three types according to grade along the radial direction. By adjusting the orientation of the valve block to change the acquisition width of each product, the equipment gathering hopper enables the selected multi head ore flow to be densely exported separately. The transverse plane of the fiberglass spiral chute has different slopes, which is extremely suitable for the separation of fine mineral particles. Quartz fiberglass spiral chute beneficiation III. Features This machine is suitable for separating iron ore, ilmenite ore, chromite ore, pyrite ore, zircon sand, Rutile ore, monazite ore, phosphorus, tungsten sand, sand tin, tantalum niobium, tantalum niobium and other nonferrous metal ores, rare metals and nonferrous metal ore bodies with different density and specific gravity of small materials with a Granularity of 0.3-0.02mm. This machine has advantages such as stable sorting process, easy control, wide range of ore concentration tolerance, high enrichment, high recovery probability, small land occupation, low water consumption, simple structure, no need for power, large production capacity, simple installation, simple operation, small investment, and quick effectiveness. Quartz glass fiber reinforced plastic spiral chute beneficiation IV. According to the Granularity of the processed ore materials, the chutes can be divided into three categories: (1) Coarse size chutes. The maximum particle size of the feed is more than 2-3mm, and the maximum can be 100-200mm. (2) The ore chute handles 2-3mm sized ore. (3) Slime chute, feeding Granularity is less than 0.074MM. Quartz glass fiber reinforced plastic spiral chute beneficiation V. This machine is suitable for separating iron, ferrotitanium, ferrochrome, ferrosulfide, zircon, Rutile, monazite, phosphate ore, tungsten ore, placer tin ore, tantalum niobium ore, tantalum niobium ore and other nonferrous gold, rare ore metals and non-metallic ore bodies with gravity difference. Quartz fiberglass spiral chute beneficiation